


Our QHSE management system is based on the standard requirements of ISO9001, ISO14001 and ISO45001. By implementing the integrated management system, we ensure that all employees, customers and contractors are kept safe in relation to systems of work, equipment and operations. These documents define the elements by which we will conduct our operations worldwide in order to protect our personnel, the public and the environment within which they work and live.

Applicability of the Quantum Integrated Management System is clearly defined. Our Management System applies whenever Quantum has direct management control of activities. Whenever activities are not directly managed by Quantum, risks must always be managed at the appropriate level. This is particularly important when working in partnerships with contractors, subcontractors, suppliers and other third parties, or when collaborating with local communities.

The ten interrelated Elements of the Management System with underlying expectations are:

1.      Leadership, Commitment & Accountability

2.     Policy, Standards & Objectives

3.     Organisation, Resources & Capability

4.     Stakeholders, Customers & local communities

5.     Risk Assessment & Control

6.     Asset Design & Integrity

7.     Plan & Procedures

8.     Execution of activities

9.     Monitoring, Reporting & Learning

10.   Assurance, Review & Improvement

Our Integrated Management System is driven by the “Plan, Do, Check & Act” concept.

PLAN to clarify the objectives of the activity and organize appropriate resources. Engage all parties involved or affected. Ensure risks are identified and measures defined to eliminate them. Remaining risks are assessed to define appropriate controls or mitigation.

DO to execute and control the activity based on plans and procedures, including those to manage risks.

CHECK to Monitor and ensure plans and procedures are being followed and to confirm risk controls/ barriers are effective. Measure progress and assess for improvement opportunities and/or assurance.

ACT to review outcomes and performance. Establish improvement action, incorporate into (future) plans for the activity and embed relevant learning in the IMS.